How Many Planets Have No Moons?

How Many Planets Have Moons?

Moons are a common attribute of many planets throughout the solar system, especially the larger ones. Saturn and Jupiter have several dozen moons each, and even smaller dwarf planets, like Pluto, feature satellites orbiting them. How many planets have no …

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How Often Do Astronauts Go To Space?

How Often Do Astronauts Go To Space

From 1957 to 1974, the USA and USSR were locked in a race to be the first nation to reach space. The rivalry peaked in the early 1960s, with the Soviet Union sending cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin into the unknown on …

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Does The Moon Emit Its Own Light?

Do you ever look up at the night sky and wonder how the Moon manages to shine so brightly? The sky looks completely dark except for that one big, bright celestial object (and some stars, of course). A glowing, bright …

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Can Astronauts Wear Glasses?

Can Astronauts Wear Glasses?

Astronauts are required to be in peak physical condition for traveling to and from outer space. This requirement includes their ability to see. Like pilots and firefighters, astronauts must experience 20/20 vision at all times. While 20/20 vision does not mean …

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Why Do Astronauts Train Underwater?

How come Astronauts Train Underwater?

Space’s environment is very different from the earth’s. One thing that creates a major difference is gravity. Due to the absence of gravity in space, completing a mission is not an easy to crack for astronauts. Therefore, going to space …

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How Do Astronauts Train For Space?

It has become a frequently searched question and is a source of attraction for those who are planning to become an astronaut in the near future. If you ever sat on the roof of your house and looked at the …

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Do Astronauts Get Paid For Life?

Do Astronauts Get Paid For Life?

Do astronauts get paid for life? Well, no. But that’s not such a bad thing, and we’ll tell you why. It might be your dream to be an astronaut, but there’s absolutely nothing wrong with wondering what the pay is …

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Has An Astronaut Ever Been Lost In Space?

Has an Astronaut Ever Been Lost In Space?

Being an astronaut is a dream for many people. Traveling to space, looking back on Earth in its true form, working on your satellite outside in the spacesuit, etc. However, if something moves in one direction in space, it will …

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Can Astronauts Use Internet In Space?

Can Astronauts Use Internet In Space

Yes, there is an internet connection on board the International Space Station. Previously, astronauts were only able to send ground control emails and Tweets as part of their routine data transmissions, and ground control would then be required to broadcast …

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How Long Can An Astronaut Stay In Space?

Some people like Matt Damon’s movie The Martian because it’s Matt Damon. Some like it because it’s a crisis in outer space and some just don’t like it because they think it was not convincing. But if you’re one of …

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