Why Is There No Oxygen In Space?

Why Is There No Oxygen In Space?

Space exploration has gained traction, causing an advancement in scientific research. The benefits of space exploration are limitless – it can enhance Earth’s safety and spark people’s interest in science.   You may have noticed that astronauts wear space suits and …

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Why Do Stars Twinkle?

Why Do Stars Twinkle?

You aren’t crazy if you think you’re seeing blue, twinkling stars. It isn’t your eyes playing tricks on you. Upon closer inspection, you might notice some stars flickering between red and blue, or some were not twinkling. You aren’t the …

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Why Do Planets Have Moons?

Why Do Planets Have Moons (1)

Some people are curious about the moon. They may wonder how it got there or why we have moons. Alternatively, many people are so used to the moon in the sky that they ignore it—never asking questions about the rock …

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Why Can’t You See Stars In Space?

Can You See Stars In Space?

The Apollo 11 moon landing undoubtedly made history. The mission put the first man on the moon. Apollo 11 also caused one of the most debated conspiracy theories to date. If you’ve seen pictures or videos taken from the lunar …

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What Is a Gibbous Moon?

What is a Gibbous Moon

What does it mean when someone mentions a “gibbous” moon? A gibbous moon is any moon that appears more than half illuminated but is less than full. The word “gibbous” roots from the meaning “hump-backed,” which is just how the …

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What Color Is Jupiter?

What Color is Jupiter

All planets vary in their color because of the material they are made of and the ability of their atmospheres and surfaces to absorb and reflect sunlight. While Mercury has a dark grey color due to its rocky and dusty …

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Cosmonaut vs Astronaut: What’s The Difference?

Cosmonaut vs Astronaut What is the Difference?

The space race is the name given to that specific phase of the Cold War when the Soviet Union and the United States of America engaged in a battle within the domains of space science, technology, and innovation. In a …

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15 Interesting Facts About Uranus

Facts About Uranus

The seventh planet in the solar system from the Sun, Uranus, has the largest diameter after two other planets, Saturn and Jupiter, in the solar system and is known to exist 2.9 billion km away from the Sun. Discovered in …

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